Übersicht über unsere BVMW-Delegationsreisen
Share your experience and learn from others how to integrate your business into and sell in international innovation value chains.
The “Innovate…and go to market!” initiative is a series of valuable online and live events for companies with tech products and services in the digital and green transitions market spaces. Led by European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME and its member organisations, this initiative is an excellent opportunity to gain priceless intelligence into expanding your business internationally, entering new value chains and innovation ecosystems and selling and growing in foreign markets.
In addition to giving the participants the possibility to network with other companies and exchange experiences and knowledge on how a company can move from domestic to international markets, this initiative will also enable companies to take part in business trips to the USA or other exciting markets, offered by the international trade network of our German member Der Mittelstand.BVMW.
European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME wants to give the right attention to exploiting and promoting these exchange opportunities among companies, public bodies, and business-supporting entities, aiming at capacity building to international growth through innovation.