Außenwirtschaft - internationale Flaggen

TommL, Canva

Foreign Trade

Present around the globe - for you and the German Mittelstand

The economy is becoming increasingly global and international. This is both a risk and an opportunity for German SMEs. By now, every second smaller German company with annual sales of between two and 10 million euros is already involved in exports, either directly or as a supplier – and the trend is rising.

Anyone wanting to be successful must face this challenge. BVMW is the only association in Germany with a network of foreign offices in over 80 countries worldwide, where we can support you bilingually on your path abroad.

With the BVMW you have a reliable and competent partner on your side. We open doors for new business opportunities at home and abroad. At the same time, we effectively represent your political interests where no one else speaks out for SMEs – in Berlin, Brussels and worldwide.

Our projects

Ihre Ansprechpartner:innen

Andreas Jahn

Andreas Jahn

Member of the Federal Executive Board, Government Affairs and Foreign Trade, Secretary General of the SME Alliance Africa

Potsdamer Straße 7

10785 Berlin

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Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg

Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg

Director International Markets

Potsdamer Straße 7

10785 Berlin


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mor diop

Mor Diop

International Trade Advisor – Africa and Francophone Countries

Potsdamer Straße 7

10785 Berlin

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ali garaev

Ali Garaev

International Trade Advisor – Asia, Caucasus und Turkey

Potsdamer Straße 7

10785 Berlin

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Diana Ibrahim, Referentin Außenwirtschaft - Golfstaaten

Diana Ibrahim

Foreign Trade Advisor, Representative GCC/Gulf States

Potsdamer Straße 7

10785 Berlin

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tetiana piletska

Tetiana Piletska

International Trade Advisor – Europe and North America

Potsdamer Straße 7

10785 Berlin

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